Mathematics Education Sector In Sri Lanka

Mathematics is a one of the science subject existence in the modern world. It’s always deal with the logic, shapes, living things and many more our environment. When we build something in building blocks in our childhood we start to learn how to use mathematics for our living things. In that case we learn how to decide what we should do, to doing our activities.
Mathematics is start to growing when the start of human civilization in earth. as we know today Mesopotamian, Chinese and Indian people help contributed to furtherance maths. And the Sumerians are the first people of the stating the counting method. Everyone use mobile phones, laptop, media devices, digital equipments for facilitation our day to day works.
However sri lanka is the very small country in this earth. But sri lankan education sector didn’t retreat. There are have 10,194 schools, according to Department of census and statics sri lanka official records in 2017. Medium of instruction are, 6,332 – Only Sinhala Medium, 3,009 – Only Tamil Medium, 558 Sinhala & Tamil Medium,75 – Tamil & Sinhala Medium and 47 school are instructing their students for Sinhala, Tamil & English Medium. 1,374 schools have above 1,000 student population and there are 4,165,196 pupil attend school education in 2017 sri lanka. Male students 2,059,805 , Female students 2,106,159 and school teachers are 241,591 has been contribute in past year. It at-least 45% of the total students sitting O/L examination per year.

However who are unable to pass in mathematics at the G.C.E O/L Examination have to leave to school education without being qualified to enter any higher education system. They have to leave school education without having any vocational and academic qualification as well as they are considered unsuccessful at G.C.E. ordinary level examination. Furthermore, such students fail to secure career paths leading to productive and successful citizens, as a pass in Mathematics is considered essential for almost all career paths that require any form of education. However as a pass in Mathematics is considered essential for almost all career paths that require.
The current GCE (O/L) mathematics curriculum, syllabus and the content in general, are in line with current global trends are relevant and are at the appropriate level. Mathematics education in Sri Lanka is very high in comparison with other developed countries. But the main problem is that every year existing mathematical result is very low in the GCE O / L Examination. The main reason to this is not the only weakness of school education. Students’ environment, students’ level of knowledge, teachers’ knowledge, imperfect schools and the economic condition of their parents will have a number of reasons.
When looking at that accordingly. Improving student performance, providing correct guidance to students, reviewing, evaluating and providing solutions to these problems will increase the results of the GCE Ordinary Level Examination.