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General certificate of education advanced level examination is one of major examination in sri lanka. The combine maths is a very difficult subject area in whole advance level subjects.

National institute of education (NIE) present a basic course book for student who learn advanced level combines maths.

One of the most important this of this book is that it has been written for self study to the pupil expecting result of the A/L examination.

CONTENT of this book


  1. Binomial Expression 
  2. Factorisation
  3. Algebraic Fractions 
  4. Equations
  5. Indices and Logarithms
  6. Ratio and Proportion
  7. Geometry
  8. Rectangles In Connections With Circles
  9. Pythagoras’s Theorem And Its Extensions
  10.  Bisector Theorem
  11. Area (Similar Triangles)
  12. Concurrencies Connected With Triangles

And also have answers and explanations for every questions.

A/L Combined Maths Self Study Basic Course Book
(NIE) Combined Maths Self Study Basic Course Book

Also this following video shows what are the major changes are Combined Mathematics new syllabus.


Mr. G. J. K. Kapila Silva 

Lecture – Department of Mathematics

University Of Sri Jayawardenepura